Going to give this post of yours a tweet. It needs to be shared! Such an important subject matter – it needs all the awareness building campaigns it can get. I am hoping so also Suzanne. Killing primates for meat is a hairs-breadth (if that) from cannibalism. It really is a practice that MUST stop! Devastation is a good word because of this. Logging in rainfall forests is never good because the soil is poor and does not sustain a great many other long lived vegetation and then we lose more life providing oxygen for our world.
Killing off primates for meat is also unsustainable as you have shown with your figures. Those are alarming figures! Hopefully people will become educated to these facts. You did your part in writing this informative hub. Voted up, useful and can pin and talk about. Thank you for your kind words! I am hoping you will visit Jane Goodall’s site and look into things you can do to help. I believe she’s developed the very best plan for coping with this devastation.
10 years ago from Midwest, U.S.A. The figures are alarming. The logging is dreadful. The killings center breaking. Thanks for your insightful piece. Yes, big companies have us in a throttle keep. It is so easy to convince people that they must buy, consume and possess things. Fortunately, a few are leaving this. Christoph Reilly has a good HUB on Freeganism that I like. It is hard to maintain with the …